

Software Engineer

I'm a passionate developer with a keen eye for design and a love for building intuitive user experiences.

Empathy in Open Source
Empathy and kindness is a choice.
Web Development for Beginners: 7 Essential Steps to Get Started Today!
Discover how to unleash the power of words and advance your career through technical writing. Learn the secrets to success today.
Why Every Developer Should Build Their Own Blog
Discover the importance of building a blog as a developer, along with tips on how to set up, design, create content, promote, and grow your blog. Gain visibility, share knowledge, and engage with the developer community.
Smooth Transition: From JavaScript to TypeScript for Better Web Development
Discover why I migrated from JavaScript to TypeScript and unlocked the power of static typing for enhanced code quality and productivity.
Empathy in Open Source
Empathy and kindness is a choice.
Web Development for Beginners: 7 Essential Steps to Get Started Today!
Discover how to unleash the power of words and advance your career through technical writing. Learn the secrets to success today.
Why Every Developer Should Build Their Own Blog
Discover the importance of building a blog as a developer, along with tips on how to set up, design, create content, promote, and grow your blog. Gain visibility, share knowledge, and engage with the developer community.
Smooth Transition: From JavaScript to TypeScript for Better Web Development
Discover why I migrated from JavaScript to TypeScript and unlocked the power of static typing for enhanced code quality and productivity.
Empathy in Open Source
Empathy and kindness is a choice.
Web Development for Beginners: 7 Essential Steps to Get Started Today!
Discover how to unleash the power of words and advance your career through technical writing. Learn the secrets to success today.
Why Every Developer Should Build Their Own Blog
Discover the importance of building a blog as a developer, along with tips on how to set up, design, create content, promote, and grow your blog. Gain visibility, share knowledge, and engage with the developer community.
Smooth Transition: From JavaScript to TypeScript for Better Web Development
Discover why I migrated from JavaScript to TypeScript and unlocked the power of static typing for enhanced code quality and productivity.
Empathy in Open Source
Empathy and kindness is a choice.
Web Development for Beginners: 7 Essential Steps to Get Started Today!
Discover how to unleash the power of words and advance your career through technical writing. Learn the secrets to success today.
Why Every Developer Should Build Their Own Blog
Discover the importance of building a blog as a developer, along with tips on how to set up, design, create content, promote, and grow your blog. Gain visibility, share knowledge, and engage with the developer community.
Smooth Transition: From JavaScript to TypeScript for Better Web Development
Discover why I migrated from JavaScript to TypeScript and unlocked the power of static typing for enhanced code quality and productivity.

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Tom Schindler

Tom Schindler

My story & my skills.

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Infrequent thoughts on technology, design and things in between.

Through the transformation of my hobby into my profession,
I can do what I love every day.