Tom Schindler

I am a software engineer, writer, and creator.

Hi there! I'm Tom Schindler, a designer/frontend developer hybrid passionate about building great products with delightful interfaces. I began my journey as a software engineer trainee in 2021, after concluding my previous career as a social worker and craftsman. Turning my hobby into a profession has been an incredible adventure.

I love working in the realm between design and code. Some of the things that excite me most are CSS, design systems, animation, crafting excellent component APIs, and creating interfaces that feel both fun and human.

On this website, I'll be sharing my blog articles and showcasing my projects. I believe that writing about my experiences is the best way to solidify my knowledge and share it with others. Feel free to reach out—I'm always happy to help!

Figuring out how to be the best in the room, trying to improve by iterating and perfecting my craft every day—all while keeping in mind the highest quality of work.

The culmination of these three skills is what I strive for in my work and, in my opinion, set me apart from the rest of the crowd.

Based in Nuernberg, Germany.

August 2022 - Present


Software Engineer Trainee

During my retraining as an IT specialist for application development, I dealt intensively with theoretical basics. In my spare time, however, I was passionate about the latest web trends, explored JavaScript frameworks such as React and Next.js, deepened my understanding of UI/UX design and learned practical skills in Git, TypeScript, Docker and agile methods such as Scrum and Kanban for effective project management.

Certificated Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung

January 2024 - March 2024


Software Engineer Internship

Focused on expanding my technical knowledge and practical skills. I delved into various aspects of web development, particularly with Vue.js, and worked on creating robust, reusable components. I also engaged with modern authentication systems and data analysis, contributing to the development of innovative solutions for large-scale applications.

Expanding the mindset dashboard based on analysis data

Creating a new user authentication for several large companies

Creating a lot of reusable Vue Components

March 2022 - August 2022

HelloGuest Solutions GmbH

Software Engineer Trainee

During my traineeship at HelloGuest Solutions GmbH, I concentrated on mastering the essentials of modern web development. I played a significant role in building a MVP for a website, which allowed me to solidify my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also focused on creating reusable React components to ensure scalable and maintainable code. Throughout this experience, I continuously expanded my knowledge of React.js, enabling me to contribute effectively to the development of cutting-edge e-commerce solutions. My time at HelloGuest Solutions GmbH was marked by a commitment to learning and applying best practices in web development and project management.

Creation of a website MVP

Creation of reusable React components

Consolidation of HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Learning React.js